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Enjoying the weather? I sure am. Trips to the park four days in a row ain't half bad. There's a new treehouse there. I've made it my goal to fully test it out for them. Consider it my contribution to the Parks & Recreation service.
So far so good, guys. Even Dad likes it.
Hey, did you hear? Spring is here! If I sound excited it's because, well, I am. I mean I loved Christmas and this past winter was a pleasant one, but I for one have been cooped up too long. The warmer Spring air means only one thing that I care about...I can get outside and see the world. Running in the sunshine, watching shapes pass by in the white puffy clouds, yep, that's for me. I never did like staying inside much (which is what caused the whole preemie thing, as I'm told).
Apparently Mom and Dad noticed the change in the weather
too because we've been heading out on more adventures. This week we went to a new park. Not just the same old kind of park I usually go to, but a special place where people bring their dogs to run and play just like kids do! It was great. There was one section for little dogs and another one for the big guys. They were having so much fun, chasing balls and running free. It was inspiring. In fact, it inspired me to do a little running myself.
Watching those dogs made me realize a little more freedom would do me some good. I mean, I am a big boy, after all. I don't always need a hand to hold. Plus it's good to get out there and stretch my legs...literally. Especially because we're gonna be doing a lot of walking later this month for WalkAmerica 2006. Mom says this year me and my buddy Trenton get to cross the finish line on our own! That's a big step (so-to-speak) for two preemies. I guess that's appropriate, we're sorta what the whole WalkAmerica and March of Dimes things are all about.
The cool thing about walking is that it takes you places. We were just going along, enjoying
the blue sky and cool breeze when all of a sudden our feet were moving through sand. I looked up to see a playground that was so inviting I couldn't pass it up. I went on the swings, down the slide a few times and took a ride on the back of my friend froggy. It was the perfect way to spend the afternoon.
If this season has lots more days like this in store, I'll be in good shape. Speaking of good shape, I just overheard Mom say that the WalkAmerica course is five miles long. I'm not really sure how long that is, but Mom's face looked tired just talking about it. I'd better get back to running my training laps around the living room.