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My house is like a corporate headquarters these days. Dad's busy working on his new business plan and Mom is having meetings and writing grant proposals on deadline. So today was an unexpected treat when we took the afternoon off to visit the Hopkins Wilderness Park in Redondo Beach.
Who knew there was so much nature in our own backyard? One minute we're driving on a main street and the next we're lost in the woods! It was pretty neat. Our first stop was a campground table for lunch. I tried my hardest to get my hands
on that huge cookie for dessert, but I had to make do with animal crackers.

After lunch we hiked the many trails that run all through the park. Actually, Mom and Dad did most of the hiking, I was pretty much along for the ride. There were lots of trees and birds and...well, you know, nature stuff.

My favorite part was when we found a pond with ducks. Those guys crack me up the way they hide their heads in the water and then pop back up. I tried calling them by name, but apparently my "duck" sounds just like "dog" so they weren't paying much attention to me.
As we were leaving the pond to head up another trail, Mom spotted a little family of turtles. That was really cool. It looked to me like the littlest one (who really wasn't all THAT little) was trying to get out on his own and show some independence, but his parents were following close behind. Boy, do I know how that is.
I have to say, though, that hanging out with the folks isn't all that bad. I mean, they live for my every word (even my mumblings) and smile.
So if I can keep them entertained, it's worth it. Plus (I can't believe I'm going to admit this), they're actually kinda a goofy sort of way.
Mom just informed me that we did NOT get the call from Regis & Kelly. You can probably see the shock written all over my Most Beautiful Baby face, that is. So there will be no flight to New York photo shoot for Parents cash prize. Big deal. Personally, I think they were just afraid of the stiff competition. It wouldn't exactly be a fair race with a Super Preemie in the mix, now would it?
This works out way better for me anyway. Now I don't have to find a sitter for Noah's animals.
As Little Bill would say, "I'm a big kid!"
This is a picture of me at the doctor's office today, finding out that I'm HUGE! I mean, I knew I was a big boy, but Dr. Sergis says if I grow any more, I'll be OFF THE CHART! I'm not sure what she meant by that, but it sure makes me sound cool.While Dr. Sergis was talking to Mom about development and motor skills and all that mumbo jumbo, I was daydreaming a bit...
"In this corner, weighing in at 26 pounds, 33 1/2 inches tall, the Gerber heavyweight champion of the world, Biiiiig Zaaaaaaayyyyy!"
All I need now are some big puffy gloves and pair of satin-y shorts. Then lookout, world, global domination.
Anyone know a good seamstress?
I've gotta tell you, the big people around here have been mighty excited lately. I think it has something to do with me (as usual). I've been experimenting with my vocabulary and I finally got a word to pop out, "dog." Though when I say it, it sounds like "gog," but Mom and Dad must know what I mean because they get all happy and clappy. It's certainly not the first word I've thought, but the first one I've been able to wrap my mouth around.
I'm discovering lots of other new things as well. I think it's because I've got new perspective...especially when I stand on the couch. You can see a lot more stuff from up there, have you ever tried it?
Mom and Dad only use the couch for sitting, but climbing up and standing is way more fun. Of course Mom's not quite as pleased as I am with my climbing abilities.
And just this week I learned a new trick with stairs...Mom calls it the Zaya-shimmy-shake. Whenever I get close to the stairs, I turn around, flop down on my belly and wiggle down the stairs. Sure, I could probably just walk down like anybody else, but what fun would that be? Plus, it's worth it to see the proud faces on the parents.
Not to mention, I have a very unique reputation to live up to, y'know. I am, after all, a preemie schmeemie.
Here's the photo that Mom submitted to the Beautiful Baby Contest on Regis & Kelly. She says that thousands of other pretty babies will be in the running, so the competition is pretty stiff. I guess she just wants me to remain the modest guy that I am. But it's ok, even if we don't get that call from Kelly Ripa, I think we all know who is REALLY the most beautiful baby around here.
No autographs, please.
In a bold attempt to maintain the image of parental control, Mom and Dad decided to take me out today...without the stroller. That's right, nothin' between me and the cold, hard ground by my own two legs. It was kinda cute, actually. You see, the parental units believe that they run the show, so they get these funny little ideas in their heads like, "let's go to IKEA." But it doesn't take long for anyone to figure out who really wears the pants around here (even if they are a little bulky around the rear).
This was my first trip to the big blue box known as IKEA. Apparently, Mom and Dad have been there before and were just there today for some "window shopping." Oddly enough, I did not see one window for sale there. While they walked around looking at couches and tables and funny picture frames with names like "RAMMA," I was paying close attention to those big arrows on the floor. As a matter of fact, I made it my goal to touch each and every one. I would have been successful too, if Mom hadn't gotten in my way. She kept talking about how dirty the floor is, how many people walk there...blah, blah, blah.
I guess Mom and Dad figured out that there weren't any windows to be bought because we left there and headed to a new place. I had no idea where we were going and wasn't particularly interested. Little did I know we were going to a very special place. Yes folks, there is a little piece of heaven right here on earth and it's called the lighting section at Lowe's. I've never seen so many ceiling fans in my life! All those lights, and the spinning...I get excited just thinking about it. We had to pause so I could take it all in.
After my adventurous day out, I was pretty exhausted. But as soon as we got home, I started formulating a plan to get back to those fans. I figured out that if I break something around the house, we'll have to go back to buy some stuff for repairs.
I will pause while you admire my genius.