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It's beginning to look a lot like...SANTA'S COMING!
I don't know if you've all heard about this, but apparently there's this man who lives on top of the world, wears a big red suit and once a year flies around the world in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, delivering presents to all the children. Why didn't someone tell me about this sooner?
I mean yes, there are some criteria I guess. Like you have to be good and cut down on the tantrums and climbing on the furniture. But still, this is the greatest thing I've ever heard!
Mom and Dad have told me all about the real meaning of Christmas. I know about the baby Jesus. In fact, I tell Mom all the time that He's a friend of mine. And since He's the one who gives us all that we have, including our family and friends (even the crazy ones), I'm glad that celebrating His birthday is a really big deal. I wish we could throw Happy Birthday Jesus parties all year long! Cuz everyone seems to feel so warm and friendly and loving at this time of year. It would be nice if that lasted more than a month.
But getting back to this Santa character, I'm completely intrigued. I mean, the physics alone for this big man and a sleigh full of presents flying all over the's baffling! How does he do it all in one night?
How does he get into the houses with no chimney? Does he have to GoogleEarth all of the addresses? Sheesh!
Since it's all too much for me to figure out right now, let me just say what I'm really hoping is that he was paying attention all those times I told him about the little Monorail set I want. Like when I sat in his lap at the Tree Festival. Or when I yelled it out while he was riding by in the Holiday Magic Parade at Disneyland. I'm sure he's a smart guy, but he must get requests by the billions, so I had to make sure I was clear. It's not the big Monorail with all the little people and the elevated track. I just want the little one that I can hold in one hand. And I'm being very clear here because Mom says that Santa is always watching, so if you're reading this, Mr. Claus, sir, it's the LITTLE Monorail set.
I would be most appreciative. And I'm sorry about that time I threw a tantrum refusing to wash my hands. I hope you won't keep that on my permanent record.
Ok, now that I've taken care of the business portion of the program, here are some pictures from all my fun Christmas adventures.
I hope that you have been enjoying the season as much as I have. And I hope that, most importantly, you give and get lots of hugs and smiles this Christmas. If you're running low, just give me a call. I've got plenty to spare.
Merry Christmas!
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