I'm here folks, alive and well. Not that you could tell from my almost MONTH-LONG hiatus from blogging. Apparently, Mom would have you believe that nothing much is happening on Planet Zaya, but that's definitely not the case. Since she doesn't seem to have the time for a full report, let me sum it up with the following:
- I got a new hat.
- I've taken about 3 steps on my own (I can actually handle more, but I don't want to overwhelm the folks).
- My favorite thing to say these days is DaDa.
- I have seven teeth.
- With those teeth, I've tried lots of yummy new things like ravioli and strawberries (not together, of course).
- I sleep all night, thanks to my tranquil waterfall, cool mist humidifier and floor heater.
- Mom and Dad stay up all night worrying about the electric bill.
- I've become good friends with Dublin, the big black beast in the backyard.
- I can turn the lights on and off in every room of the house.
- I love talking on speakerphone...give me a call sometime!
That brings you up-to-date, sorta. To fill in the blanks, just imagine lots of my cute smiles, giggles and an occasional scream (maybe two.)
Gobble, gobble.