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It must be something in the summer air...lots of parties. I went to another party yesterday for cousin Christopher's "promotion." I guess that's what they call it when you leave one school and go to another. I don't know, I'm kinda glad I don't have to deal with that for a little while. Anyhow, we had lots of fun. I played with cousin Elle quite a bit. Mom says we're basically the same age, since I wasn't due to be born until December. But I have to remind her that I AM, in fact, two months older.
Here's Mom and baby Elle. They had some playtime together, too. Of course, I didn't find this out until much later because I was napping on Papa's chest. And it's a good thing too, because I would have had to give mom a good scolding for paying attention to somebody else's cute baby. And that would have been embarrasing for front of all those people and everything.
I also spent some time hangin' out with the boys. Everyone keeps saying how much I look like my Dad and Papa. They are both pretty handsome guys, so I guess that's true. What do you think?
By the end of the night, I was really tired and no one would let me have any cake so I really saw no point in hanging around. I had to put on my "I'm outta here" face. It worked.
Did you see the date? I haven't blogged since Tuesday, and I think that's pretty unacceptable. I may be looking for a new typist soon, since Mom can't seem to keep up with my blogging needs. Apparently she's "busy." Blah. I say, what could be more important than me? I mean, sure she feeds me, changes my diapers, bathes me, washes my clothes and generally entertains me, but, come on. I have journaling needs as well.
She'd better get it together or I'll be asking for resumes.
Can't you see I'm busy?
Today I did something new. Mom, Dad, Uncle Reuben, Nana and Papa took me on a walking tour (or for me, a rolling tour) of historical downtown Torrance. We started out our tour at the museum of the Torrance Historical Society. To the right, you'll see me with a bust of Jared Sydney Torrance. Then again, according to our tour guide Mike, there really aren't any existing photos of Mr. Torrance, so this could just be a bust of the guy who made the bust.
I did learn a lot. I found out where the names of the streets in our neighborhood came from. I learned about all of the different styles of homes in the area. And I learned that eight blocks is a lot longer than it sounds.
Here are some more pictures of our educational afternoon.
That's Mike, the tour guide. Sorry, I mean docent. He's on the board of directors of the Torrance Historical Society, works for the Torrance Public Library System, but lives in Gardena. I don't get it either.
Here is a mural by some famous guy who did murals all over Los Angeles of some not-so-famous people. This was painted in what Mom called "the seventies." Not sure what that means, but I did notice the people in the mural were dressed kinda funny.
Across the street over there is a cool plaque marking the original place where Torrance Memorial Hospital stood. My ears perked up during this part of the tour because I was born at the current Torrance Memorial. And none of this really means anything because you're only admiring my big toothy smile anyway.
I can't even tell you what I was looking at in this picture. But it was something. And I wanted to go get it.
What I really learned was that taking tours is exhausting. I'll probably appreciate this sort of thing a lot more as I get older. Mom and Dad thought it was really neat to find out what the city was like in 1921 when it began. I thought it was really neat to go home and take a nap.
Isn't it picture-perfect? A breezy summer day, my feet swinging through the air and up to the sky. Mom grabbing at my toes each time I swing toward her and me letting out great big belly laughs. All is right with the world...
...or so it would seem. That's what I wish I were doing today. Instead, Mom and Dad took my life in their hands and dragged me to Costco on a Saturday! I thought I'd never get out alive. And just when we pull up in front of the house and I think I'll get a rest, they unload the car and then take me to Ralphs! More people driving carts, not looking where they're going. Just what I need.
Thanks a lot, guys. Happy Weekend to you, too.
I stood up all by myself today. Just put my hands down and pushed myself up. But mommy didn't have that happy twinkle in her eye like she usually does when I do something new. In fact, she didn't look happy at all.
Maybe I shouldn't have done it four times in a row...on the changing table...while she was changing my not-so-fresh self.

Guess what? Dad has his own walker! All this time I thought it was just something for him to sit in while he works on the computer, but tonight, after dinner, he started rolling around and chasing me! It's a walker in disguise! Of course, his is nowhere near as cool as mine.
It's so plain and doesn't make any horn or laser sounds. How boring. It must be the big people version.
Anyhow, today was a very nice day. Before racing time with dad, Mom pushed me in my tree swing. I was cracking up because I could see someone else swinging right next to me until the sun went down and then they were gone. Pretty weird, huh? I think mom said it was someone named Shadow.
I must retire to the bedroom with my bottle, now. Nighty-night.
I'm exhausted. We just got home from my cousin Matt's 30th birthday. This being my first party, I wasn't sure what to expect. According to my calculations, parties are lots of people and noise. Oh, and a bunch of food that I can't eat. I have two teeth already, how many more do I need before I can chow down?
It was fun to see my cousins though. Last time they saw me I was much smaller, so I was a surprise to everyone. I saw Maliya and Makana, cousins Chris, Tina, and Paul, and many others. But after all that visiting, I got pretty tired (and so did mom and dad).
Happy Birthday, cousin Matt! Thanks for inviting me to your party. Next time, how 'bout some pureed foods for the little guy?
I'm feeling pretty annoyed at the moment. Dad rearranged the house yesterday...just when I was starting to figure out how to zoom around in my walker and grab things. And this morning he put up some kind of white blocking contraption so I can't get into the kitchen. Doesn't he know that I NEED to get into that big bag of dog food?
Apparently I'm illegally blogging. When I was trying to set this whole crazy thing up this morning (I dictate, mom's the typist), I was filling in my profile and couldn't get it to save. Tried a couple more times and then finally paid attention to the red lettering that said "You must be at least 13 years of age to use Blogger." It seems I had filled in my birthdate and the darn program figured out that I'm only 9 months old. It was like Big Brother or something.
I feared for the future of my blog until I deleted my birthdate and everything saved just fine. There's a helpful safety feature for you. I showed them!
I may look young, but I'm far too sly for you, Mr. Blogger. Far...too...sly.
People keep saying that I have the face for commercials. My grandma Aida thinks this face could sell anything (can't say I disagree with her). Yesterday I had my first taste of a Zwieback biscuit and mom pulled out the camera.
So here ya go, Nabisco! Come and get me! Make me a star!
So this is what a blog looks like, huh? Not so exciting. I'd really rather be chewing on my keys, but whatever. Mom and dad seem to be into this blogging thing, so why not? This will give me a good way to keep everyone up to date. Sure wish I had thought of this a couple of weeks ago, I could have documented my "fall" off the bed (don't tell the folks but actually, I jumped).
I turned 9 months old yesterday. I didn't really notice a difference, except that another one of those funny little white things in my mouth popped out, so now I have two. I think mom calls them "teef." In any event, I'm really glad it poked through because that thing had been buggin' me for weeks! Hey, now I can chew even more stuff...I'd better go get started.