Happy Birthday, Elena. We all love you very much. Mom and Dad have told me so many things about you, but I still wish you were here. Thank you for making a way for me to be here. I really love my family and you'll always be a part of it.
The world according to a guy who's just starting out.
I cannot imagine a more perfect baby brother for our wonderful little Elena. I remember the day your mommy and I prayed for a perfect child in you...not that you HAD to be handsome, like you are, not that HAD to be smart and talented like you are, not that you HAD to make us feel like we are the most blessed family, like you make us feel...but God made you happen, perfect, just like that. Thank God for Elena;thank God for Zaya...
I couldnt be prouder of you,Elena, Mom & Dad if you were my very own!. Oh, wait, you ARE.
Happy Birthday to Elena!! I am sure that she is amazed in all that you are. Imagine, your personal guardian angel.
Love you
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