Sunday, July 17, 2005

Do you poop out at parties?

I'm exhausted. We just got home from my cousin Matt's 30th birthday. This being my first party, I wasn't sure what to expect. According to my calculations, parties are lots of people and noise. Oh, and a bunch of food that I can't eat. I have two teeth already, how many more do I need before I can chow down?

It was fun to see my cousins though. Last time they saw me I was much smaller, so I was a surprise to everyone. I saw Maliya and Makana, cousins Chris, Tina, and Paul, and many others. But after all that visiting, I got pretty tired (and so did mom and dad).

Happy Birthday, cousin Matt! Thanks for inviting me to your party. Next time, how 'bout some pureed foods for the little guy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were a hit! Handsome, and "such a good boy," they all said. You come from mighty fine stock...we helped represent Auntie Rhoda, huh? And it was nice to see Cousin Matt in his crown. I think I saw one like that in one of your Little Bill videos, no? That teacher cousin of Matt's (who made the crown) loves crafts, or something!? What IS her story? (Just kidding, if she reads this :-).
We thank God for you--Elena is clapping her hands!