Apparently Mom can't sit still long enough to write. So I've hired Dad as my personal videographer. Someone's gotta help me keep up with my adoring fans. (That means you, Angie).
Zaya's Whale Of A Day from Jonathan on Vimeo.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
All Dressed Up With No Place To Go
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Rainy Day Schedule

Hmmmm...rainy day oatmeal and muffins, trips to the toy store, fall-on-the-floor tumble games...maybe the parents are a little cooler than I thought.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Rails and Tales

And from all the smiling faces I saw that day, I think it's safe to say everyone had a great time. Mom said she even talked to someone from the Lomita Train Museum and some kindergarten teachers who want us to come do StoryTunes shows for them! Hmmm...I might have to invest in a second set of train pants if we're gonna take this show on the road.

I was pretty sad when we packed up to leave for the day. Who likes having to say goodbye to friends and fun times? But later Mom said that the train club liked us so much, we get to go back once a month! Talk about good news. After hearing that, I didn't even care anymore about not getting a new Speed Racer helmet. (Oh wait, I wasn't supposed to mention that...)

Thursday, January 29, 2009
...and sometimes you don't.

I was confused about what was going on because then the nurse took a rubber stamp and stamped me twice on the back.

After the nurse put the stamp away, she came back and poked me in the back with a funny little white thing. It felt weird and tingly, like she was poking me all these different places at the same time. It didn't hurt though, so I just hung out there, laying with Froggy and showing off my muscles. I was a little insulted however, cuz the nurse said the doctor would come back to check on me and then she left. But then I realized she probably just went to tell all of the other nurses about her really cool and cute patient. Who could blame her?

The doctor said we have to always remember, everywhere we go, to warn people about my allergies so they don't give me anything to eat with those three nuts in it.

That's alright, I'm not too worried about missing out on the nuts. Now if it were pizza I was allergic to, that would be a whole different story.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Mish Marsh

I'm glad she explained that because I had quite a bit of grass underneath me the other day when Dad took me to the Madrona Marsh. It was my second trip, but since the first one involved a nighttime tour with a guide who didn't even bring his own flashlight, I was basically seeing everything for the first time.

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Behavior in a Box

I wonder if that'll get me a sticker for patience.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Bedtime Stories
I don't know how it works at your place, but none of us around here make it a practice to leave the house in our pajamas. So you can imagine my surprise when Mom said she was gonna get me dressed for bed and then we were all heading to the library. Not that I'm embarrassed or anything. I mean I am a pretty stylish guy, even when I'm sleeping. It just seemed a little odd. But I decided to go with it, seeing how the three of us always seem to find our way into some entertaining adventure.
On the way to the library, Dad said we were going to a special story time where all the other kids would be in their pajamas, too. Sounded like a cool party to me! But when we got there it was really quiet (I mean, even moreso than usual for the library) and I didn't see anyone else who looked ready for bed. Mom said we had a little time before the story time started so we went to look at some books. I knew exactly what I was looking favorite book, "I Read Signs," by Tana Hoban. But I was pretty sure Mom wouldn't remember where to find it on the shelf so I helped her out by consulting the catalog on the computer.
Within a couple of minutes I was sitting at the table with the best book ever and having a great time. Even better than that, I found another book by Tana Hoban..."I Read Symbols." So I was really enjoying myself when the very nice library lady came over and asked if I was ready for story time. I wanted to say, "Well that's what I came for," but Mom and Dad have been drilling all this stuff into me about politeness and good behavior (that's another blog entry entirely), so I just went with the simple, "Yes."
Laura, the library lady, tried to round up some more kids to join us.
She did find one little boy who was there with his mom. He wasn't in his 'jamas, but I didn't hold that against him. They came over to sit at the table with me and Laura started reading her first story. You can tell she likes books a lot. And what a great job, to be around all those books all day long! She read some of her favorites to us. I think I took her off guard during her rendition of "Down By The Station," when I joined in and knew all the words. She obviously didn't know who she had in her audience that night.
I'm not sure what happened with the other little boy, 'cuz he didn't stay for the last story. I'm guessing he was embarrassed about being improperly dressed for the occasion. Anyhow, Laura finished up her last story and told me I was a very good listener. I didn't tell her that storytelling is in my blood. Just smiled and gave her a big hug. Then we said thank you and headed home.
Hmmm...I wonder where else I can go in my pajamas...

Laura, the library lady, tried to round up some more kids to join us.

Hmmm...I wonder where else I can go in my pajamas...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Full Steam Ahead

I do have to give them credit for using their smarts, though.

All of the club members seem really excited about the idea of hosting storytime and they want to give StoryTunes a shot right away. So it was decided that Mom and Dad will do the first one on the next train "run day," which is February 1st, and if it goes well (of course, I'll be there to make sure it goes well), then the club members might decide to do it every month! This also means that our family is now a member of the club, so we get to go to more meetings (which I guess aren't all that boring) and help keep the train park looking nice.

Dad says this is my first experience with "fil-am-pro-fee," whatever that means. He said it's important for us to help out where we can in our neighborhood. I just think I'm pretty lucky to get a backstage pass to the trains and to make new friends.

Friday, January 16, 2009
It's In The Jeans

I've gotta get Auntie to come hang out with me more often. Not that I need the help or anything, but having that much coolness around can't hurt, right?
Me and my (medical) crew

I have to admit this doesn't sound like a big ball of fun to me either. Apparently the way it works is that if I start to get all swollen and itchy again, they have to take this pen thing, stab me in the side of the leg, call 911 and I get to be escorted to the hospital again. Not my idea of a great time.
I guess I just have to steer clear of peanuts and peanut related stuff. So for any of you nice people out there thinking of making me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I hear somebody makes an equally tasty cashew butter...I'd go with that. It shouldn't be that hard to avoid peanuts, right? I mean I've done it for four years already. Mom was thinking the same thing, until she went to the pharmacy to order those little medicine daggers that she has to carry around now, and the really nice lady there kept telling her about how "peanuts are in EVERYTHING."
When we left Dr. Lee's office, he said he'll be sending me to see another kind of doctor, an "allergist," so they can take some tests and see if I'm allergic to other stuff. I'm a smart kid, tests don't scare me. I just hope they don't find out that I'm allergic to Mickey Mouse shaped chicken nuggets or the orange chicken from Panda Express!

Monday, January 12, 2009
Sometimes you feel like a nut...

It started out innocently enough with a trip to cousin Miles's 7th birthday party. It was at a park, so you know I was all over that. When we first got there, Mom went inside to see what was going with all the set up, but Dad and I went straight for the basketball court.

Anyhow, Mom came out and cut my fun short because she said the party was starting inside. Looked to me like I was having a fine time outside, but I heard there were M&M's involved so I followed the parents into the party room.

I walked over to Mom because my mouth felt weird. My lips were itchy and my eyes hurt and I couldn't figure out why.

They took me to a room with Mom and Dad. Different nurses and specialists came in to check on me. Mom had to explain the whole story to each one of them over and over again. When the doctor came in he said it looks like I have a definite allergy to peanuts. I'm no doctor, but I think I have to agree with their diagnosis, considering I didn't even eat one single nut! Mom said something about "nut dust" and that just made Dad laugh out loud for some reason.

Maybe Mom won't mind if I reenact that part of the party in our kitchen...
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