I don't know how it works at your place, but none of us around here make it a practice to leave the house in our pajamas. So you can imagine my surprise when Mom said she was gonna get me dressed for bed and then we were all heading to the library. Not that I'm embarrassed or anything. I mean I am a pretty stylish guy, even when I'm sleeping. It just seemed a little odd. But I decided to go with it, seeing how the three of us always seem to find our way into some entertaining adventure.

On the way to the library, Dad said we were going to a special story time where all the other kids would be in their pajamas, too. Sounded like a cool party to me! But when we got there it was really quiet (I mean, even moreso than usual for the library) and I didn't see anyone else who looked ready for bed. Mom said we had a little time before the story time started so we went to look at some books. I knew exactly what I was looking for...my favorite book, "I Read Signs," by Tana Hoban. But I was pretty sure Mom wouldn't remember where to find it on the shelf so I helped her out by consulting the catalog on the computer.

Within a couple of minutes I was sitting at the table with the best book ever and having a great time. Even better than that, I found
another book by Tana Hoban..."I Read Symbols." So I was really enjoying myself when the very nice library lady came over and asked if I was ready for story time. I wanted to say, "Well that's what I came for," but Mom and Dad have been drilling all this stuff into me about politeness and good behavior (that's another blog entry entirely), so I just went with the simple, "Yes."
Laura, the library lady, tried to round up some more kids to join us.

She did find one little boy who was there with his mom. He wasn't in his 'jamas, but I didn't hold that against him. They came over to sit at the table with me and Laura started reading her first story. You can tell she likes books a lot. And what a great job, to be around all those books all day long! She read some of her favorites to us. I think I took her off guard during her rendition of "Down By The Station," when I joined in and knew all the words. She obviously didn't know who she had in her audience that night.

I'm not sure what happened with the other little boy, 'cuz he didn't stay for the last story. I'm guessing he was embarrassed about being improperly dressed for the occasion. Anyhow, Laura finished up her last story and told me I was a very good listener. I didn't tell her that storytelling is in my blood. Just smiled and gave her a big hug. Then we said thank you and headed home.
Hmmm...I wonder where else I can go in my pajamas...
1 comment:
Zaya sure gets around......i am sure he made the story lady's day. glad he was there to represent.
bet she went home with a lot of Zaya "stories." yup. betcha. what a cool robe:-)cool dude. yup!
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