You've probably guessed by now that dull moments around here don't happen often. Mom says if there were an extreme sport category for life, we'd be in the world championship division. So in keeping with the extreme theme, I had quite a weekend.
It started out innocently enough with a trip to cousin Miles's 7th birthday party. It was at a park, so you know I was all over that. When we first got there, Mom went inside to see what was going with all the set up, but Dad and I went straight for the basketball court.

Miles is on a team, so he's got some pretty smooth moves, but I couldn't let him show me up. I went for that ball every chance I could get. Pretty soon Jeremiah was out there with us, and together he and I are a pretty powerful team. The family refers to us as "The Prophets."
Anyhow, Mom came out and cut my fun short because she said the party was starting inside. Looked to me like I was having a fine time outside, but I heard there were M&M's involved so I followed the parents into the party room.

We said hello to everybody, got a look at all the cool dance party decorations, saw the DJ setting up and soon it was time to eat. I told Mom I'd hold down the table (meaning eat the M&M's) while she made me a plate. Seemed like a fine idea, until something funny started happening in my mouth.
I walked over to Mom because my mouth felt weird. My lips were itchy and my eyes hurt and I couldn't figure out why.

Mom could tell something was up with me because I was making funny faces. She asked if my tummy hurt, which wasn't the case at all. But since I couldn't figure out how to tell her that my lips were on fire, I decided to throw up, because that usually gets attention. She took me into the bathroom and by then she could see my mouth was all swollen. She said we needed to go to the hospital and mentioned something to Dad about peanuts. I wasn't ready to leave, I mean, the party had just started! But pretty soon my whole right eye was as puffy as my lips and I figured, that can't be good.

So what started out as a party day ended up as a trip to the ER. While we were waiting, my mouth started to get better, but my eye got worse. The nice ladies there brought out all kinds of funny machines to check me out and make sure I was ok. It didn't hurt at all, but all I could think about was the fun I was missing with the cousins.
They took me to a room with Mom and Dad. Different nurses and specialists came in to check on me. Mom had to explain the whole story to each one of them over and over again. When the doctor came in he said it looks like I have a definite allergy to peanuts. I'm no doctor, but I think I have to agree with their diagnosis, considering I didn't even eat one single nut! Mom said something about "nut dust" and that just made Dad laugh out loud for some reason.

The good news is that even though I had to wait for what seemed like forever, the doctor gave me some medicine and I got to go home. And other than a slightly puffy eye, I'm back to my old self again. I'm pretty disappointed that I missed the party. I heard it involved people wrapped in plastic and a pudding eating contest!
Maybe Mom won't mind if I reenact that part of the party in our kitchen...
1 comment:
nana loves zaya and thanks God for him every single day.....amen.
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