Saturday, July 16, 2005

Breakin' the law

Apparently I'm illegally blogging. When I was trying to set this whole crazy thing up this morning (I dictate, mom's the typist), I was filling in my profile and couldn't get it to save. Tried a couple more times and then finally paid attention to the red lettering that said "You must be at least 13 years of age to use Blogger." It seems I had filled in my birthdate and the darn program figured out that I'm only 9 months old. It was like Big Brother or something.

I feared for the future of my blog until I deleted my birthdate and everything saved just fine. There's a helpful safety feature for you. I showed them!

I may look young, but I'm far too sly for you, Mr. Blogger. Far...too...sly.


Anonymous said...

Any 9 month old that can figure out how to start his own blog shouldn't be restricted to the "age 13 limit"...

You go Isaiah!


Anonymous said...

Brilliant kid, especially since you are actually only SEVEN months--(your corrected age since you are a preemie scheemie). God is faithful, isn't He?

Anonymous said...

..or schmeemie. It's early ZayZay and grandma is old.