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Here's a picture of Dad and me in happier times. Before the mutiny. There's a power struggle going on in this house and I don't think I like it very much. Up til now, things have been the way they should be - I'm the cute one and everyone loves to look at me and see all the new things I can do, therefore, I've been in the driver's seat. But for some reason Mom and Dad are trying to change up the rules on me.
So what if I like to be comfortable. Is that a crime? I'm sure you do, too. I had been sleeping in the big, cozy bed but you heard about all of my base-jumping adventures, so you know how that turned out.
Then Dad started blowing up these inflatable mattresses that we slept on in the living room. Those were soft and I could sleep pretty much all night there, with one of my parents next to me. Plus it made it convenient to wake up and watch Little Bill. But there have been whisperings lately that this arrangement isn't working out for everyone. Something about backs hurting and stuff. So out of nowhere last night, I was blindsided when they put me in my CRIB! Can you imagine? Expecting me to sleep in my own bed, in my own room that is set up and decorated just for me? The nerve of these people.
Well, I certainly wasn't going to go down without a fight. So I let 'em have it at full vocal capacity for a good four hours. And would you believe that no one came to rescue me! I had to be screaming loud enough for even Papa to hear me from his house, but he didn't come either. That's when I knew they weren't only trying to challenge me, they think they can WIN. I couldn't let that happen, I mean, I have a reputation to uphold. But apparently my body does not have the stamina that my mind does because I found myself reduced to a slobbery, sniffling heap and that's the last thing I remember.
I overheard Mom and Dad talking about how they have to keep this up for a couple of weeks to "break" me. Frankly, I don't know who they think they are. The Mighty Zaya will not be broken!
It's becoming clear that I'm going to have to become a much more independent guy. Mom can't even seem to get my clothes on right these days. I really don't know where her head is at. Of course, she says it has more to do with MY head, getting bigger I guess. I just think those darn clothing manufacturers aren't measuring neckholes the way they used to.
Oh well. Guess I'll just have to revolutionize the textile industry myself.
Today's post is dedicated to my good buddy and fellow preemie Trenton who turns the big O-N-E this week. As most of you know, Trenty and I go way back, months even. We met shortly after birth and spent a month dorming together in the NICU. Good times.
Anyhow, last Saturday we celebrated with Trenton's family and friends. Man, that guy sure knows how to throw a party (though I'm sure his Mom and Dad helped, at least a little). He picked the perfect sunny, breezy day and he must have known how much I was itching to go to the park. As soon as we got there I kicked my shoes off and headed for the green grass. It was like a dream.
Believe it or not, the day just got better and better. We spread out our blankets in the grass, had some snacks, relaxed with a good book and laughed with our friends. I tried my hardest to get my four teeth into a piece of pizza, but Mom wouldn't have it. She stuffed me full of those Gerber puffed rice things instead.
There were lots of other kids there. Trenton's a pretty popular guy. Mom and I were walking around and I caught a glimpse of a cute girl nearby. She was walking (unassisted, I might add) with her sippy cup.
I started walking straight towards her, but for some reason Mom turned us in the opposite direction. Apparently she wasn't getting the hint.

At one point, Dad took me over to this big, colorful thing with kids bouncin' all around inside. I wasn't too sure about it until I got close enough to grab on, then I was positive that I wanted to have the full experience. Unfortunately, it was Dad's turn to rain on my parade when he told me I was too small. Watch who you're calling small, Daddy-O.
The best, and totally unexpected, part of the day came when Trenton's Mom cut a big piece of cake and sat it right in front of Trenty. I thought for sure this was just a tease and I was cheering for the little guy to grab some frosting before they snatched the cake away. Oh, he got some frosting alright. But the surprise was that everyone let him dig in. They didn't even try to stop him! It was right about this time that I started to think that I haven't been giving this birthday business the full credit it deserves.
Thanks for a great time, Trenton. Way to kick off the weekend. It reminded me that I only have to wait three more weeks for my own bash.
I can feel the frosting on my cheeks already.
Look who's back, everybody! Didja miss me? Actually I've been here all along, but Mom, my assistant, has been slacking. I'll give her a break, cuz I know she's been working hard, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tad bit annoyed.
Anyhow, back to business. Yesterday I had quite an exciting visit. Cousin Jordan from Honolulu is here on vacation (I guess if you live in Hawaii full time, you have to go somewhere ELSE for vacation) and he stopped by my place to play. He brought along his Mom and Dad and even cousin Maliya and Auntie Lorna. Jordan is a cool guy. He was born just ten days before I was. It was a lot of fun to spend some time with someone who likes the same things I do. Jordan and I, we really see eye to eye.
I was a little intimidated by the full head of hair, though. I mean, I know my curls are coming in nicely, but this guy has already had two haircuts! The playing field was leveled though when I found out Jordan doesn't have any teeth yet. I've got him beat in that category for sure.
After playing at my house awhile, we all went out for dinner. Granted I wasn't able to eat anything, but a good time was had by all. Jordan's Mom and Dad are really nice. They invited me to visit the island sometime. Dad says maybe Jordan will teach me how to surf. I'm not sure what that is, but I sounds like a lot of fun.
Maybe I can get him to share his hair growth secrets, too.
Thanks for a great day, Jordan. From the cutest boy on the mainland to the cutest boy on the big island...ALOHA!
As I'm sure you've picked up from reading previous posts, I'm at the point in my life where I'm enjoying lots of firsts. Today was another one, and all I can say is, I hope there will be more like this one.
I had heard Mom and Dad talk about how we were going to some show, but I really didn't know what to expect. We drove up the hill to South Coast Botanic Gardens (my first time there). When we got to the entrance, this really nice lady had an envelope with tickets waiting for us. No waiting in line and no charge for the tickets. I knew then that this was a good day. The lady's name was Ronnie and apparently she's not only a friend of Mom and Dad, but she produced the whole show. Anyone who runs a company named Bubblerock is alright by me.
So we get inside and there's this huge grassy area with a stage set up and tons of kids running around. Man, this was exciting. I was itching for Mom to let me out of the stroller so I could get in on the action. We found a spot, set up our blankets and then Mom must have read my mind because she took her shoes off, took my socks off and away we went running through the grass. We walked by kids with soccer balls, kids blowing bubbles,! It was like heaven.
Pretty soon, our friend Shirley came walking up to introduce us to (you'll never guess) the star of the show! Her name is Joanie Bartels and she sings and plays music for kids concerts all over the country. Joanie shook my hand and said she was happy to meet me. Dad told her it was my first concert ever, and she said she was honored that I was there (I think I'm in love). Mom said it was like we were VIP's, but I haven't figured out what that means.
I looked around and everyone had their picnic dinners out, so I decided to have a snack myself. Since Mom says I'm doing so well with my "self-feeding," she let me have an apple flavored Wagon Wheel. That really hit the spot and gave me some energy, which I would need plenty of during the show.
Next thing I knew, the music was starting and there was my friend Joanie up on stage. She started off with a fun, fast song and Dad and I danced. The second song was my favorite because it was all about jumping (something I've recently mastered). Song after song had all the kids dancing and clapping, it was great.
After the last song, we went to say thank you to Joanie and she signed a photo for first autograph. Could this day get any better?
I asked Mom if Joanie could come over to our house to play sometime. Mom said she didn't think so, cuz Joanie is so busy traveling and doing concerts. But she said it sure was a good idea because that lady is probably the only person who has the energy to keep up with me. I think I may be insulted by that comment. But I won't let her rain on my parade of firsts.
I'm just wondering, with firsts like this, where do I go to get seconds?
What do you think of my new chair? Actually, I've had it for a few weeks now, but I neglected to mention it before. Maybe that's because I'm a little underwhelmed. It has this fancy name like "Infant to Toddler Reclining Feeding Chair." I think they should call it what it really is...the "Another Way to Keep Isaiah Strapped Down" chair. Granted, this one is lacking those shoulder straps I hate so much, but it's still no fun.
I've heard big people say that every man needs his chair. But I was under the impression that it's usually a big comfy one, with a special holder for the remote control. Not in my house! Dad spends all his time rolling around in his computer chair and then there's me, sitting on the floor in jail.
That's ok. I've got Papa on my side. I'll just ask him to fashion a little motor and some wheels for my chair.
And you thought I was fast in my walker.
Big weekend, here. Summer's coming to a close, kids are headed back to school (except for me, of course). And from what I understand, Labor Day is everybody's last ditch effort to get out into the sun and squeeze every last drip of summer into a cold beverage and a hot dog.
Mom, Dad and I spent Labor Day at something called "Fiesta Hermosa." From what I can gather, "fiesta" translates directly in English to "crowded." There were tons of people, most wearing very little (and some should have been wearing much more). I don't think my parents realize that when I'm in my stroller, I am riding directly at butt level, so it's not so enjoyable in a crowd.
We did see lots of neat stuff, though. There were all these booths with artists selling their paintings, sculpture and some stuff that could only be loosely classified as "art." Of course Mom spent the day running from one jewelry booth to the next, collecting business cards. (I think she was secretly trying to get away with working on Labor Day...I'll have to have a talk with her about that). I don't know if I quite understand art, yet. I think I need to do some more research. I saw some things today that I could have made myself, so maybe I'm an artist, huh?
Heard from Uncle Chaka. He arrived in New Zee-land safely. He said he went to KFC to eat and they call their french fries "chips." Those crazy Zee-folk. Uncle didn't mention anything about the flying Z's, though. Maybe he's waiting to surprise me by bringing one home.
Godspeed, Chaka. I'll hold down the beach while you're gone.
Families are interesting things. You've got the Mom and Dad, who seem to hang around all the time. Then you've got the Grandmas and Grandpas, who you don't get to see as often, but they're fun because they let you get away with much more than Mom and Dad. And then there's the others, like cousins and great-grandparents. I'm still trying to keep it all straight.
I don't know about you, but I have pretty cool Aunties and an Uncle. Some of my Aunties live up in Oregon, so I haven't had the chance to meet them yet. But I do get to spend lots of time with my Auntie Rachel. Well, until now. Mom told me that Auntie has to go back to school this week, so I won't get to play with her that much. I'm not sure what I think about this "school" business...sounds like it's gonna put a damper on things for me.

And then there's Chaka. Everyone else calls him Reuben, but I named him Uncle Chaka, so they just need to get with the program. I get to play with him a lot, too. But Mom and Dad said that tonight Chaka got on a big airplane and is flying to someplace called New Zee-land. Sounds pretty interesting. I imagine a colorful place with lots of letter Z's flying around. I sure hope he takes lots of pictures. He's supposed to stay for two weeks, so Nana's on her own with babysitting. Good luck,'ll need it.
I'm gonna go work on my standing and climbing. Wouldn't want the grandmas to get bored with me this week.
Let the weekend begin. Enjoy, everybody. Enjoy.
That's what the nurse lady said at Dr. Sergis's office today. She said this after she poked me in the finger and this red stuff started coming out. I went through a few cotton balls but the red stuff wouldn't stop, so then Mom tried to put me in the sink and run water over my finger. What a mess. And all of this so they could check on the "He-Moe Goblins" in my blood. If I were those goblins I'd run and hide from that nurse lady. But apparently, they found the goblins and they're doing just fine.
Dr. Sergis said I weigh 22 pounds and 2 ounces now, and I'm 28 inches long. Mom told her about how I climb everything in sight. Dr. Sergis said I'm advanced (not like that's news to anyone). She also said that I can start eating "finger foods." That made me nervous...I would like to keep my fingers, thank you very much! Mom said she'll explain it to me later.
Before we left, I picked up some very useful information. Dr. Sergis was giving Mom some safety tips. She said at my age, kids can get into the toilet and can even start to reach things up on counters. What a fool I've been, I've ignored the kitchen and bathroom all this time! Come to find out the toilet has some fun water to splash in. Now they tell me.
The next time I visit Dr. Sergis I'll be one year old. From listening to Mom talk, this is a pretty big milestone. Maybe by then I'll be able to walk without holding on to the furniture. That's sure to be my ticket to the toilet.